A New Worldview
Life is strange right now. Jarring for so many. Our communities around the globe have come to both a complete standstill and extreme urgency simultaneously. With isolation, the planet has momentarily pressed pause on “normality”. The disruption is wide-spread and far-flung, it’s resolution seemingly incomprehensible right now.
And yet, whilst the world is coming apart at the seams, an unexpected opportunity is rising. Plagued by the immediate threat of COVID-19, overwhelmingly our governments and societies have responded with humility. From one human being to another.
At this moment, we’re reimagining our realities - whereby our communities are strong, resilient, and adaptable. Our values of compassion, care and solidarity magnified in worth. We’re changing the story, reframing the narrative. Asking how can we live more fulfilling, simple lives.
In understanding our basic needs for connection, health and security, we’re starting to break old patterns and conditioned responses - those of capitalism that have haunted our systems for decades. We’re highlighting our fragility, our socio-economic inequalities, our fragmented production and global supply chains, and finally recognising a need for change.
During these uncertain times, a gap is emerging. A chance to find new, more elevated ways of living. To restructure our lives, societies and global systems. To work together, not against each other. To find common ground and collaborate creatively for a better future.
COVID-19 is proving that when we unite in a common cause, radical, rapid change is possible. The coherency is fertile soil. When we decide what’s important, our collective will is magnified and our responses match our perceived threats and indeed crises. The question is, with coherency, what world do we truly want to live in?
We have a unique opportunity here. We can reroute humanity - infused with hope - along with the ways we relate to ourselves, one another and our planet. Understanding the intrinsic value of Earth’s resources and the importance of living humbly within our limits, we can face multiple crises at once - health, climate, social and economic injustice. Could we finally embrace holistic paradigms that have been waiting in the wings?
Sometimes, a crisis releases our deepest impulse: to respond from a place of compassion and caring. This crisis can liberate solidarity. It can bring gracious possibilities to rebuild. Rewriting our worldview of separation to an intentional one of togetherness. In chaos, we can find order. In conditioning, we can find choice. In fear, we can find love.
If we acknowledge our undeniably unique vantage point as one to reimagine our world, surely, when the time comes, we can build back better.